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So Your Boss Likes to Interfere with What to Do

Everyone wants to be noticed at work. Focus on how you can make a positive impact despite a less-than-perfect reporting officer. So how do you help a boss whom you believe micromanages you?

  • State your goal. Express your desire to work more independently toward the purpose of your team or organization. Ask what you can provide your boss to achieve this.

  • Ask great questions to gain clarity. “What could I do to provide you more clarity in my work to reduce the number of daily phone calls? What details can I make more available so you have the information you need to make your job easier?”

Editing your story, eliminating judgment, and focusing on how you can help in your work environment have positive consequences: peace and success. You might just learn that your boss, while human and imperfect, is a pretty decent person, and just like you, is trying to do his or her best work.

We are human and have our flaws, and if you are willing, to be honest with your daily efforts, you should be able to identify times at work when maybe you’ve also stepped in too much or too soon. First, find a neutral perspective on the situation and use the opportunity to figure out how you can help things run smoother in the office.

Before you complain about your boss or manager, first make sure this situation isn’t due to your own lack of performance or accountability. Blaming others for your circumstances feels like a tempting path of least resistance, but it won’t lead you to your desired destination. Your highest potential arises in finding opportunities in the midst of your challenges. Your situation or circumstances might be out of your control, but your mindset and outlook aren’t.

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